Sunday, June 28, 2009

Day 8 headed home

Started out pretty good until I received a call from mom saying that Delta called. Why the home phone I will never know. But our flight was cancelled and they put us on another one. Thus we hurried over. Well the time the plane was to leave they were still trying to find a plane for us. One finally came & we got loaded. Vicky behind me & went right to sleep. I had the passenger to the left passing gas & the small child in front of me that was upset the whole time. Thank you to I-pod & volume control. Leaving Moline we were coming around Davenport. I looked in the rear view mirror & saw a pickup come flying up behind us. Note: if you decide to exceed the speed limit by a great speed, make sure your hood is latched. All of a sudden while I was watching it the hood popped up and wrapped around the windshield. We then made it to Toledo to see Jess & the boys & then off to see dad.

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