Thursday, May 22, 2008

Sorry Kids

Tree trimmers trimmed the trees away from the old upper elementary yesterday. The tree next to the basketball court had to go, as it was split. Instead of taking chances that it would fall & hurt someone, it came down. During that, a nest of screech owls was found. Kevin with the County Conservation came and put up a nest box and put the babies in, hoping the parents would come back to them. Mommy was in the tree above where the babies were. She was hard to see. I zoomed into the best I could, hoping for a good shot & this is what I got.


Andrea Dellit said...

sad about the tree, but what a cute discovery!

Jessica, Curt, Hunter, Ian and Emily said...

It doesn't look the same coming around the corner!!

Jessica, Curt, Hunter, Ian and Emily said...
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