Saturday, January 10, 2009

Thought I would take a few minutes to catch up on what is happening in Iowa. I know that it comes as a surprise to all, but yet again we got snow yesterday. At least we didn't all the ice before hand. (Always looking for the positive in winter!) Ken loves the snowblower - - he clears our snow, keeps the driveway and walk clean for a neighbor, and also does the drive for the ambulance service. He was voted in as Assistant Crew Chief this year, does the janitor work, and orders supplies. So much for slowing down.......... Can't complain, because I think he really enjoys it.

Last Saturday my sisters, Val & Lisa, and I went to visit our cousin in Eldora. She had moved her mother to an apartment and found some pictures and things that were my Dads. She knew that we would like to have these things and was happy to show us her finds. When we saw his school pictures we saw a lot of our brothers in his face. She also located a picture of our great-grandmother and then found her marriage certificate. What a find!! It is absolutely beautiful with all the color and detail on it. She married my great-grandpa Floyd on April 14, 1897, in Janesville, IA. I have posted a picture above. It's not very clear, but shows you the beauty of the documents from their time. We are trying to locate someplace that can make color copies of it.

It is now in a beautiful picture frame and she is doing a great job of trying to keep it preserved.

After reading Andrea's blog, I feel like I need to spend my time at home being more constructive. You and Brad are a cleaning, painting, recycling, orgainizing machine!!

Talked to Hunter & Ian on the phone this week (because the weather just doesn't allow us to get together to have our Christmas with them). Hunter talked, Ian just told me no. They both were sick and just feeling crappy. Read on Jess' blog that she will be enrolling Hunter in preschool....where does the time go?

I loved the pictures Tiffany posted of her cats. Be careful, those cats are going to pay you back someday. She posted her Hopes for 2009 and my hope is that we all get the things on our 2009 Hope List.

We are all doing well, just feeling a bit stir crazy with the weather. Work is hectic, but it's always great come home each night to those you love.

My Hope for 2009

That 2009 exceeds all your expectations.


Andrea Dellit said...

oh my gosh this is sooo cool :)

The organizing and cleaning machine is currently on hiatus! :)

Rhonda said...

I love the old marriage certificate. It's a shame that kind of artwork has gone to the wayside.