Sunday, November 23, 2008

Quick Update

With the assistance of fans and heaters we are now dried out and the fridge is back where it belongs. We are going to have to replace the hose that runs from the water outlet in the basement to the fridge, but until then we are back to the old fashion ice cube trays.

All the flu victims are back on their feet. I have never seen such a sick looking crew for a couple of days. It's nice to have them upright and feeling better. I am hoping with every fiber of my being that I don't come down with it. I am certainly hoping that my luck holds up and I don't get it. I just can't seem to shake the cough from the crud I had a few weeks ago. They say it hangs on for awhile, but enough is enough and it is time for it to go!!

Wish all the family could be here with us to share the holiday, but will be thinking of all of those who can't. Have a Happy and Safe Thanksgiving!!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Water Everywhere & The Flu Bug

Today Mom woke us to let us know we had a leak in the refrigerator. The water line to the ice maker had sprung a leak and we had water in the kitchen, down the hall to the bathroom, in the garage, and in the laundry room. After shutting off the water, Ken started up the shop vac and I mopped up down stairs. We set up fans and heaters to help dry out walls and carpet. It was at this point Ken said he didn't feel well and needed to lay back down. I was hoping it was just because we were woke up so suddenly, but no such luck. That makes 3 in the house with the flu and have resigned myself to the fact that I will probably be next. I think our weekend will be filled with lots of rest and relaxation. Thank you Jess for offering to come up, but didn't want you to get it again. This is one ugly strain of the flu. Better now than next week when everyone is coming home. Everyone is resting again, so I better do the same. Have a great weekend!!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Thanksgiving Prep

I have been sitting here putting together the Thanksgiving dinner grocery list. It's amazing the price differences between the 3 different store ads I looked at. I almost forgot to put the AE dip on the list and that would have caused chaos. Tiff & Andi, I promise to have the chips and dip on hand before you arrive.

The flu has made an ugly appearance at our house. Grandpa & Grandma are both under the weather. We will need to make sure they get plenty of rest in the next few days so they are up to have the family around. We have already told Grandma that this is her year to sit back and relax! The rest of us will take care of the holiday cooking and clean up.

I am looking forward to having a house full of family and being thankful for all we have. To all who read this - God's blessings to all and enjoy the holiday!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Veteran's Day

We would like to thank the Veterans current and past for the service to this country.Dad (Grandpa) and Jarrod. (see Tiff's blog for photos) . We salute the current and past veterans, alive and for thiose who have passed. Also a special salute to those who have lost their lives in defense of this great country. I found a website that says it all

Sunday, November 9, 2008


Grandpa is still up & down with his pain. Four doctors appointment's last week & more meds. So hopefully something will start working better. He is getting anxious to be getting things done.

For those who hadn't heard, Grandma decided it was her turn. Tuesday morning at 02:30am, she decided to wake everyone one up by hitting the floor. Her heart rhythm went screwy and we thought we were losing her. A quick ambulance run to the hospital & then to Waterloo. Doctors (& nurses) were able to control the rhythm by medicine, so (thank goodness) no other procedures or surgery was needed. It is now believed that in July when she had an episode on the way to Waterloo was the same things, but her rhythm corrected itself. So more medications for her.

However they both have time to smile :)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

GAS Price 11-04-08

Gas prices are getting better :)