Saturday, March 22, 2008

You have been tagged!!

Here's how to play. Once you've been tagged you have to write a blog of ten weird, random things, facts or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose five people to be tagged, listing their names and why you chose them to be tagged. Don't forget to leave them a comment "You're It" and to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. Since you can't tag that person back, let him/her know when you've posted your blog so he/she can read your ansers.

Thanks for the tag Val. Not sure what to put, so here goes.

1. I was slapped by my first grade teacher, Mrs. Black, in Union. I was not able to go out for noon recess because I had make up work to do. I was sharpening my pencil when she walked in the room and she thought I was goofing off. I tried to explain what I was doing and she called me a liar and slapped me. I ran from the room and the first person I ran into (literally) was the principal. He called my mother and she came to the school ready to breath fire (those who knew her - you know what I mean). I left that day with my mom and Mrs. Black had a "class sitter" for the remainder of the year.

2. I have always had a fear that one of my tires will blow out and I will have a horrific crash.

3. I am an obsessive compulsive counter. I count anything and everything...the fence posts along the road, the white lines, tiles on a floor, ceiling tiles, etc. I must always end the count on an even number or I have to keep counting things.

4. I was asked to take part in the school Christmas program since I was missing my two front teeth. During the practices there was not problem. I sat on "Santa's" lap while the choir sang the song "All I Want For Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth". Well on the night of the program it didn't go so smoothly. They opened the curtain and there were a lot of people out in the chairs that were always empty. At that moment I had no control, I wet my pants. Santa never flinched. Sorry Val!!

5. If I am going into an unfamiliar place and I am with others; I never go in first. Not sure why, just one of those things.

6. I was a cheerleader. I was good, but the fact that I could do the splits was a real bonus.

7. I don't like others to see me cry. Not sure why, another obsessive issue?

8. One dream I have is to parasail.

9. My favorite place in the whole world is anywhere my whole family is gathered. It just doesn't get any better than that.

10. I am smoke free only because my family loved me enough to support and hang tough with me when I quit. Thanks guys!!

Tag to the following:

Andrea, Tiffany, and Jessica because you all know what to say to make us ponder our thoughts, laugh, and always make me proud.

Gina - you always make us laugh

Brenda - with your busy children, there is always more to share.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Starting out as a bad year

We were hoping for a good year this year. Hasn't started that way. Uncle Mac passed away after a couple of strokes. Vicky had a couple of fathers of CSRs that work with her, pass away and this week I lost a long time friend and fellow officer. Hardin County Deputy Sheriff Gary Olmstead, whom I've known longer than Vicky. We worked together in Iowa Falls. He an officer, I dispatched. One memory was a late shift, I must have been tired & woke up in the chair with the paper over my head. I got up & looked around & looked outside & saw foot prints by the window. I looked around I couldn't see anything else. I sat back down and heard a noise at the inside half door. I looked and there was Gary looking around the corner. His comment "forget it, he's awake". I found that he and another officer had some rope & were going to tie me up and make the trip outside on the "ramp" where the squad cars were parked. Never fell asleep again on that shift. Gary passed away Monday night of an apparent heart attack. Too young at the age of 56. He was also our firearms instructor, he will be missed greatly. His funeral will be Saturday. I along with another deputy I work with, have the HONOR of being on the Honor Guard for Gary. A long time joke about this name, but you will be missed Fudgie Jr. After 31+ years he had hoped I forgot, but everytime he heard that, he knew I was near. For those that we have lost - Rest in Peace, you've deserve it.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Pain in the rear

For those who do not know about it. If there is a comment posted by some one that you do not know & it says click here. Don't. I don't know about any one else if they are getting them on their blogs, but they are starting to be a pain. It takes you to a site saying that your site is infected or sometype of virus protection, that is hard to exit.

Monday, March 3, 2008


It's a new month, so I thought I had better post something (right Andrea :) ). This week I should be able to get the beautiful Iowa winter pictures posted.

Also our sympthy to the Postels for the lost of Kopper this week-end. One could not ask for a better dog for the boys. I won't forget the look on his face when one of the boys would be grabbing him or climbing on him. The look of could you please help and get them off of me. But I knew he LOVED the attention he got.